Gentoo värskendamine

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Milleks on värskendamine vajalik?

Olles kasutanud mingi aeg Gentood võite ühel hetkel avastada, et emerge käsk hakkab Teile andma teteid selle kohta, et Teie kasutatav profiil on liiga vana. Sellisel juhul pole teha muud, kui tuleb upgradeda oma süsteemi. Või avastate, et olete paigaldanud omale Gentoo ja juba ilmus välja uus versioon.

Erinevalt paljudest teistest distributsioonidest pole Gentoo puhul see sugugi keeruline. Mingit uut puhast installi pole vaja. Käesolev õpetus annabki kiire ja lihtsa ülevaate, kuidas upgradeda oma süsteemi. Lihtsuse mõttes on käsitletud ainult 2.6 kerneli korral teostatav upgrade. Samuti on kasutatud x86 profiili. Seega, kui kasutate amd64-ja, siis muutke õpetuses lihtsalt x86 kohad ära amd64 omaks. Sama kehtib ka teiste arhidektuuride kasutajate kohta.


Lühidalt võib Gentoo upgrade jagada järgmisteks sammudeks:

  1. Uuendame profiili (/etc/make.profile) lingi
  2. Uuendame toolchain-i
  3. Uuendame süsteemi
  4. Uuendame world-i

Kolme viimast punkti on kõige õigem ja lihtsam teha vastava skripti abil.

Esiteks uendame siis profiili. Selleks kirjutage käsureale:

emerge sync

Siis uuendame portage, kui see seda vajab

emerge -av portage

Kui see on tehtud, siis

rm /etc/make.profile
ln -s ../usr/portage/profiles/<valitud profiil> /etc/make.profile

on siis

/usr/portage/profiles/ valitud Teile vastav profiil. Kui selleks on x86 ja te uuendate 2005.1-ni, siis peaks symbolic link välja nägema:

ln -s ../usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/x86/2005.1 /etc/make.profile

Kui see tehtud, siis käivitame uuesti

emerge --sync

Juhul, kui enne ei õnnestunud mingil põhjusel (andis errori) portaget uuendada, siis võite seda nüüd teha:

emerge -avtu portage

Kui need sammud on tehtud, siis jätkame skripti kasutades. skripti kasutamine skript on spetsiaalselt loodud, et tagada süsteemi kõige tähtsamate osade korrektne ja turvaline uuendamine.

Skripti loomiseks on kõige lihtsam kasutada nano-t. Selleks kirjutame käsureale:


Ja kopeerige nüüd sinna kogu järgnev skripti sisu. Terminali aken oleks soovitav hoida samas suuruses, mis ekraan. Nimelt endal tekkisid alguses probleemid, kuna terminalis olev nano aken oli väiksem, siis poolitati ridasid erinevate kohtade pealt ja see rikkus skripti ära (mitmed välja kommenteeritud # read tulid sisse)

# Date 6-24-05 Removed the "v" option to emerge, and added clean_up to remove dir created by
#    emwrap Ver3.0.4
# Date 6-14-05 Version 3.0.2 fix function clean to clean up failed and sys list. Also added
#   gcc-config and binutils-config to tc_filter.
# Date 5-8-05 Version 3.0.1 changed TC emerge || die, the old one didnt die. also added -N
# Date 5-2-05 Version 3.0.0 all functions
# Date 1-19-05 version 1.8.6 Hiel Van Campen
## This program is distributed under the terms of the GPL version 2
# Parts contributed by Ed Catmur <> ;^), the parts that work, the help setup.
# Use at yee own risk. It works for me, but then I wrote it.
# Toolchain thang
# emerge linux-headers glibc && emerge glibc binutils gcc && emerge binutils gcc
#  The build script for the edited wrld.lst-->build.lst. Anything that fails to
#  emerge is copied to failed.lst  To view the build.lst or failed.lst use
#  "less failed.lst" or your favorite pager.
#  for i in $(< wrld1.lst);do emerge --oneshot  =$i || echo $i>> failed.lst;done
# Version 2.0.5 , 3-30-05
# Now does sytem builds and then world minus the system files big time saver
# remove -o option since it redundit, added emptytree system and world were the world build does
# not include the system files. Rewrote help info.
# 4-6-05 Cleaned up where files that are created are put, and worked on fetch opotion.
# 4-23-05 Added -c for continue, aka resume, works with all functions. Thanks dol-sen

TAG="cats is rats mit fuzzy tails"
DESC="A wrapper for emerge to prevent your toolchain from being updated"

help_fmt() {
   sed -r "s/( |^)$PROG( |$)/$CY\\0$NO/
   s:( |^)/[^[:space:]]+:$GR\\0$NO:
   s/^(An? [[:alpha:]]+ is )([[:alpha:]]+)/\\1${BR}\\2${NO}/"

print_help() {
   cat <<END #|help_fmt
   ${GR}${PROG}  v. ${VERSION} ${BL}"${TAG}"${NO}

Usage: ${PROG} [OPTION]

Date 4-23-05
Use at yee own risk. It works for me, but then I wrote it.
A wrapper to run emerge. It checks if the ToolChain is schedualed to be updated and
if so, you can rebuild the toolchain. It uses an edited world/system -uD/e generated
list with the toolchain items removed to emerge the rest of the files as if you had
done a normal "emerge system/world -uD/e".

This wrapper can do 3 things for you:
1. Test if there is a toolchain, TC, update in "emerge system/world -uD".
2. If there is and you want to then you can rebuild your TC and then using an
   edited list to build the other items scheduled to be updated.
3. Do the update without updating the TC, toolchain.
The flags are chainable and change whether your doing a system or world emerge and
from -uD to -e, --emptytree. There is also a pretend mode, -p. Like emerge -p it
shows you what will be emerged. I recomemnd that instead of boldy going forth, add
the -p to the end of the switchs first, to see whats going to be emerged. Then you
can remove it.

Example -sep ==> emerge system --emptytree -pretend. If you remove the -p it
will do a build of all packages in system except for the TC. " -set or -wet "
updates the entire TC. If the -b switch is used instead of -t then the entire TC is built
and then all system packages minus the files that comprise the toolchain.

   Here are the TC build list used in this wraper when doing updates.
If linux26-headers  TC26="linux26-headers glibc $tc_conf binutils gcc glibc binutils gcc"
If linux-headers    TC="linux-headers glibc $tc_conf binutils gcc glibc binutils gcc"
If glibc       TC_glb="glibc $tc_conf binutils gcc glibc binutils gcc"
If binutils or gcc  TCmini="$tc_conf binutils gcc binutils gcc"

Note as of Version 2.0.5 binutils-config and gcc- config are updated with the TC update.

   The TC build sripts are basicly fall through. If you have a linux-headers update
   then the srcipt will use either TC or TC26., If its a glibc update then TC_glib and
   if binutils and/or gcc then TCmini. For a full TC build use -tes or -tew.
${CY}${NO}  prints help.
${CY} -uDwp${NO} Checks for updates in world and in the TC showing you them.
${CY} -uDwt${NO}==> checks emerge world -uD and only does TC update.
${CY} -uDwb${NO}==> updates the TC and then the world files.
${CY} -f{other flags}${NO} will fetch the files for you.

New now can "emerge system -e" with or without the TC and remove all packages
   built during the system emerge for the following "emerge world -e". This is a major
   time savings as 130+ packages wont be rebuilt during the world half.
${CY} -db${NO} ,builds TC and sytem -e. When it completes run
${CY} -r${NO} ,this picks where -db stoped and builds the rest of the files in the
   " world -e ". Why use this, well if you want to break an " emerge world -e " up into 2
   chunks for two different nights this will do it.
   When -p is used will show what will be rebuilt. When -e is used
   complete TC updates will be done. While learning how to use it do an ${CY} -p
   or -sp${NO},
   These first flags are the same as what you use with emerge [options]
   -h, help    Display this help (default)
   -f   Fetchs files only
   -u   update
   -D   deep   
   -e   Does an  emerge "--emptytree" world/sytem
   -p   Just like pretend in emerge. Works with all other flags.
   -N   Tells emerge to include installed packages where USE flags have changed since compilation.
   -s, system   emerge system
   -w, world    emerge world
For use by the script
   -t   Rebuilds the toolchain componets only
   -b   Rebuilds the toolchain and emerges system/world packages.
   -c, cont    Continues emwrap from where it stoped. To use rerun the same command
         and add "c" and emwrap will start from where it stoped without haveing to rebuild
         everything before. This is the same as --resume in emerge.
   -d   This is a 2 part function. Does system -e build first  after emerge system you have
          to run -r to build the world files minus the system files from useing
          the -d.
   -r   Resumes building the wrld list, minus the system files.   
   nc   Turns off color in the script. You still get color in the emerge out put.

### Variables
a=""     # If  0  then update doesn't have linux-headers or glibc update and continue
      # emerge. If set to 1 then rebuild toolcahin and then emerge from the
      # build list after running toolchain thang.
      # run theyll still have the old stuff in them plus any new stuff,
:>/tmp/emwrap/failed.lst     # could become a very long list. Empty failed.lst so that only
               # those that failed this time are listed

# Set variables for tc message, tc short for toolchain.
lh=""         #linux-headers
lh2=""        #linux26-headers
glb=""        #glibc
bu=""         #binutils
gc=""         #gcc
tc=""         #tc which TC items have updates useing case working
eargs=""      #emerge default options
bclass=""   # type of class, emerge "world" default
prtnd=""      #emerge -p option
wrd=""      # files present for upgrade
ftch=""      # fetch files flag
do_tc="";tc_list="" ;both=""; tc_only="" ;tst="" # variable for the particular TC to be built.
do_diff="" ; resum="" #for diff where wrld system files removed only does emtytree.
cont=""      # varible for continueing a build from where it stoped.
nc=""         # nc => no color

#########   FUNCTIONS   ###########

function colors(){
if [[ $nc != "yes" ]]; then
#Set up colors
RD=$'\x1b[31;01m' Rd=$'\x1b[00;31m'
GR=$'\x1b[32;01m' Gr=$'\x1b[00;32m'
YL=$'\x1b[33;01m' Yl=$'\x1b[00;33m'
BL=$'\x1b[34;01m' Bl=$'\x1b[00;34m'
FC=$'\x1b[35;01m' Fc=$'\x1b[00;35m'
CY=$'\x1b[36;01m' Cy=$'\x1b[00;36m'
spaces=$(for ((i=0;i<COLUMNS;++i)); do echo -n " "; done)

function info(){
echo;echo;echo $GR"                         Runnig"$NO;echo
echo $GR" Files made by are located in /tmp/emwrap. Feel free"
echo $GR" to \"rm -r /tmp/emwrap\""$NO
sleep 2

function dir_info(){
   # change file locations to /tmp/emwrap/{FILES}
   # Changed to explicit directory invoke, because if used to build a system from scratch,
   # ergo a new build, $HOME isnt set and every thing for root is writen to " / ".
if [ ! -d  /tmp/emwrap ];then
   mkdir /tmp/emwrap;chmod 776 /tmp/emwrap;chown portage:portage /tmp/emwrap;cd /tmp/emwrap
else cd /tmp/emwrap

if [ "$(pwd)" != "/tmp/emwrap" ] ;then
   echo;echo $RD"Did not change to /tmp/emwrap. Bailing out!"$NO;echo
   exit 1

# For cleaning files sense they're emptied now by "continue"
function clean_up(){
   rm /tmp/emwrap/*

# empty build.lst and wrld.lst other wise the next time they are
function clean(){
   if [[  "${cont}" != "yes" ]]; then

function tc_filter(){
   #awk '!/linux-h|linux26-h|glibc|binutils-[0-9]+|gcc-[0-9]+/'
   awk '!/linux-h|linux26-h|glibc|binutils-|gcc-/'

function list_filter(){
   awk '!/source/ {print $1}'

function file_filter(){
   for i in $(< sys.lst);do
      grep -v $i wrld.lst>tmp;cat tmp>wrld.lst
   rm tmp
   cat wrld.lst>build.lst

function wrld_lst(){
   if [[ "${cont}" != "yes" ]];then
   emerge $bclass -p$eargs|cut -f2 -d "]" -s|cut -f1 -d "[">wrld.lst

function tc_check(){
# testing for TC components.
if grep -Eq linux26 wrld.lst
   then a=1 lh2=1 tc="${tc} 5";fi
if grep -Eq linux-h wrld.lst
   then a=2 lh=1 tc="${tc} 4";fi
if grep -Eq glibc wrld.lst
   then a=3 glb=1 tc="${tc} 3";fi
if grep -Eq binutils-[[0-9]]? wrld.lst
   then a=4 bu=1 tc="${tc} 2";fi
if grep -Eq gcc-[[:digit:]]? wrld.lst
   then a=5 gc=1 tc="${tc} 1";fi
# testing for gcc and binutils config , also portage
# "conf" flag for " _true_ there sre config updates"
conf=0; bin="0"; gcc="0"; por="0"; tc_conf=""
if grep -Eq binutils-[[:alpha:]]? wrld.lst; then bin=1 ;conf=1; tc_conf="binutils-config $(echo $tc_conf)"; fi
if grep -Eq gcc-[[:alpha:]]? wrld.lst;      then gcc=1 ;conf=1; tc_conf="gcc-config $(echo $tc_conf)"; fi
if grep -Eq portage wrld.lst;            then por=1 ;conf=1; tc_conf="portage $(echo $tc_conf)"; fi
#shows what TC items have updates
if [[ $prtnd == "p" || $do_tc == "yes" ]] ; then
   if [ $a -ge 1 ] ;then
      echo $RD"ToolChain updates found"$NO;echo
   # For sorting "tc" to find the largest value
      r="0"      # set "0" for greater than and to 10 for less than.
      for n in $(echo ${tc});do   
         if [[ ${n} -gt ${r} ]]; then r=${n}; fi
      case ${r} in
         5 ) echo $BL"linux26 update"$NO;;
         4 ) echo $BL"linux-headers update"$NO;;
         3 ) echo $BL"glibc update"$NO;;
         2 ) echo $BL"binutils update"$NO;;
         1 ) echo $BL"gcc update"$NO;;
      echo $BL"======================================================"$NO
      echo ${RD}"No toolchain update so proceed with a regular -s/w"
   if [ $conf -eq 1 ];then
      echo $RD"TC config componets have an update and will be built during the TC build"$NO
      #echo ${BL}"tc_conf= ${tc_conf}"${NO}   
      if [ $por -eq 1 ];then echo $BL"portage update"$NO;fi
      if [ $bin -eq 1 ];then echo $BL"binutils-config update"$NO;fi
      if [ $gcc -eq 1 ];then echo $BL"gcc-config update"$NO;fi
      echo $Bl"======================================================"$NO

# This is for the generation of the diff and resume lists.
function diff_emrg(){
# This "if "is for the generation of the list and if the the list need regeneration.
   if [[ "${cont}" != "yes" ]];then
      if [[  "${do_diff}" == "yes" || "${resum}" ==  "yes" ]]; then
            emerge system -ep|cut -f2 -d "]" -s|cut -f1 -d "["|tc_filter>sys.lst
            ## Need sys.lst for resume to remove sys files
         if [  "${do_diff}" == "yes" ] ; then cat sys.lst>build.lst ;fi
   # filters out sys files and puts the results into into the build list.
      if  [ "${resum}" ==  "yes" ] ; then
         emerge world -ep|cut -f2 -d "]" -s|cut -f1 -d "["|tc_filter>wrld.lst
         for i in $(< sys.lst);do
            grep -v $i wrld.lst>tmp;cat tmp>wrld.lst
         cat wrld.lst>build.lst
         if [ -e tmp ];then rm tmp ;fi

   echo $GR"$(cat build.lst|wc -l) packages in build.lst"$NO
   sleep 1

   count=1 ; s=$(cat build.lst|wc -l)
   for z in $(< build.lst) ;do
      echo  "${BL}${count} of ${s}" ; echo  ${GR}"$z"${NO}   
      emerge -${prtnd} --oneshot --nodeps =${z} || echo "${z}">> failed.lst
      count=$(( count + 1 ))
      grep -v "${z}" build.lst>tmp;cat tmp>build.lst
   if [ -e tmp ];then rm tmp ;fi
   if [ -s failed.lst ] ;then cat failed.lst ;fi

function tc_emrg(){
   TC26="linux26-headers glibc $(echo $tc_conf) binutils gcc glibc binutils gcc"
   TC="linux-headers glibc $(echo $tc_conf) binutils gcc glibc binutils gcc"
   TC_glb="glibc $(echo $tc_conf) binutils gcc glibc binutils gcc"
   TCmini="$(echo $tc_conf) binutils gcc binutils gcc"
   if [[ "${cont}" != "yes" ]];then   
      # For sorting "a" to find the largest value
      for n in $(echo ${tc});do   
         if [[ ${n} -gt ${r} ]]; then r=${n};fi
      case ${r} in
         5 )  tc_list=$TC26;;
         4 )  tc_list=$TC;;
         3 )  tc_list=$TC_glb;;
         2 )  tc_list=$TCmini;;
         1 )  tc_list=$TCmini;;
   echo $RD"${tc_list}"$NO
      count=0 ; s=$( (echo ${tc_list})|wc -w)
      for z in ${tc_list};do
         count=$(( count + 1 ))
         echo  "${BL}${count} of ${s}" ; echo  ${GR}"$z"${NO}
         emerge -${ftch} -${prtnd} =${z} || tc_faild
      grep -v "${z}" build.lst>tmp;cat tmp>build.lst
      if [ -e tmp ]; then rm tmp ;fi
      echo ${RD}"End of ToolChain update"${NO};echo

function list_emrg(){
if [[ "$do_tc" == "yes" ]] ;then   # blocks do_tc  from running list_emerge
   : # : builtin for true
      count="" ; s=$(cat wrld.lst|tc_filter|wc -l )
      for z in $(cat wrld.lst|tc_filter) ;do
         count=$(( count + 1 ))
         echo  "${BL}${count} of ${s}" ; echo  ${GR}"$z"${NO}
         #echo ${GR}"$z"${NO}
         emerge -${ftch} -${prtnd} --oneshot --nodeps =${z} || echo "${z}">> failed.lst

function get_opts(){
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then

while [[ $1 != "" ]]; do
   if  echo $1|grep -v - ; then
      case $1 in
         system   ) bclass="system" ;;
         world      ) bclass="world" ;;
         help      ) print_help ;;
         nc          )   nc="yes" ;;
   while getopts ":bcdDefhNoprstuwz " OPT; do
     case $OPT in
            h | \? )    do_print_help="yes" ;;
            D )       eargs="${eargs}${OPT}" ;;
            e )       eargs="${eargs}${OPT}" ;;
            s )       bclass="system" ;;
            w )       bclass="world" ;;
            N )         eargs="${eargs}${OPT}" ;;
          u )       eargs="${eargs}$OPT" ;;
          p )       prtnd="p" ;;
           f )      ftch="f" ;;
            d )       do_diff="yes" ;;
            r )       resum="yes" ;;
            b )      both="yes" ;;
            c )      cont="yes" ;;
            t )      do_tc="yes" ;;
            z )      tst="yes" ;;
            * )   echo "\* OPT=$OPT"


# function to printTC failed message and bail out
function tc_faild(){
echo ${RD}"${z} failed to build. Stoping script."${NO};exit 65


                ###  Main  ####

# for testing
#if [ "$tst" == "yes" ] ; then
#   echo ${YL}"run with \"-p\" first to fill wrld.lst.Then use "
#   echo "\"-pz\" to use wrld.lst with out haveing to \"emerge\"it again."${NO}
#   echo

get_opts $@

if [ "$do_print_help" == "yes" ]; then
   exit 0

# Builds the TC
# the !st "if" shows TC if you use the pretend switch the lower one that is
# commented out only shows the TC stuff if the "t " switch is used
#if [[ "$do_tc" == "yes" || "$both" == "yes" || "$prtnd" == "p" ]]; then
if [[ "$do_tc" == "yes" || "$both" == "yes" ]]; then
   tc_check ; tc_emrg
# does diff of world and system
if [[ "$do_diff" == "yes" || "$resum" == "yes"  ]]; then
# the build funstion for system and world. Addes bclass so that it would actually do
# a update.
if [[ "$both" == "yes" || "$prtnd" == "p" || "$ftch" == "yes" || "$bclass" != "" ]]; then
   wrld_lst;list_emrg;if [ -s failed.lst ] ;then cat failed.lst ;fi
exit 0 

Nüüd kui see tehtud, siis salvestage oma tulemus.

Seejärel kopeerige ta /usr/local/bin kataloogi:

cp /usr/local/bin/

Anname failile õigused 775:

cd /usr/local/bin/
chmod 775

Ja nüüd pole muud, kui käivitame skripti:


Nüüd tuli Teile ette skripti help fail.

Seal on ka kirjas, kuidas skripti kasutada. Peamised käsud, mida kasutada:

/usr/local/bin/./ -uDwp

See kontrollib uuendusi world'is ja toolchain'is. Näidates neid Teile. Midagi uuendama veel ei hakata - äkki ei olegi midagi vaja...

/usr/local/bin/./ -uDwt

Kontrollib world faili ja uuendab ainult toolchain'i

/usr/local/bin/./ -uDwb

Uuendab esmalt toolchine ja seejärel ka world'i

Soovituslik oleks kasutada muidugi viimast valikut, sest see uendab kogu süsteemi. Samas, kui soovite võite esmalt ainult toolchain-i uuendada ja hiljem emerge -u world käivitada.

Sellega peaks olema Teie süsteem korralikult upgradetud.


Gentoo foorum
