Oodake, artikli kirjutamine on alles pooleli! |
See manuaal õpetab kuidas installida ja seadistada programmi nimega "idesk".Idesk on programm mis võimaldab väikestele aknahalduritele(fluxbox,xfce,icewm jne) lisada töölauale ikoone.Kui leiad õpetusest mõne vea, siis ole mees ja paranda see palun ära.
Ideski installimine
emerge x11-misc/idesk
apt-get install idesk
Installime sortsust
Lae internetist alla uusim idesk:
Paki programm lahti:
tar -xjvf idesk-*
Nüüd liigu ideski kausta:
cd idesk-*
Nüüd siseneme root õigustesse:
Siis lisa ükshaaval järgmised käsud:
./configure make make install
Kui installimine oli edukas,Siis nüüd peaksid sa ideski ka ära seadistama.
Ideski seadistamine
Ideskrc faili tekitamine
Selleks et teha enda kodu kausta .ideskrc confi faili,läheb teil vaja tekstiredaktorit.Antud juhul kasutame me sellist programmi mille nimi on nano.Selleks et nanoga tekitada ideskrc faili siis sisesta järgnev käsk enda arvuti terminali:
nano -w ~/.ideskrc
Peale seda aseta järgnev tekst tekstiredaktorisse ja salvesta fail:
table Config FontName: tahoma FontSize: 8 FontColor: #ffffff ToolTip.FontSize: 9 ToolTip.FontName: gothic ToolTip.ForeColor: #0000FF ToolTip.BackColor: #FFFFFF ToolTip.CaptionOnHover: true ToolTip.CaptionPlacement: right Locked: false Transparency: 100 Shadow: true ShadowColor: #000000 ShadowX: 1 ShadowY: 2 Bold: false ClickDelay: 300 IconSnap: true SnapWidth: 55 SnapHeight: 100 SnapOrigin: BottomRight SnapShadow: true SnapShadowTrans: 200 CaptionOnHover: false CaptionPlacement: bottom FillStyle: FillHLine Background.File: image.jpg Background.Delay: 1 Background.Source: ~/.idesktop/icons Background.Mode: Mirror Background.Color: #C2CCFF end table Actions Lock: control right doubleClk Reload: middle doubleClk Drag: left hold EndDrag: left singleClk Execute[0]: left doubleClk Execute[1]: right doubleClk end
Ideskrc failis olevate kirjete tähendused
FontName: On fondi nimi. Vaikimisi font on Arial.
FontSize: On fondi suurus. Vaikimisi fondi suurus on 16.
ForeColor: On ikooni fondi esiplaani värv. Vaikimisi värv on #FFFFFF (valge).
Locked: Selles sektsioonis saab valida kas ikoone on võimalik liigutada või mitte.Valikud on true (ikoonide liigutamine on lubatud) ja false (ikoonide liigutamine ei ole lubatud).
Transparency: On läbipaistvus,Valikud on 0-255. 0 tähendab et läbipaistvust ei ole ja 255 on täielik läbipaistvus.
HighContrast: will draw a border around the text in the opposite colour if it is true. It will draw it in an arbitary colour if it "#aa00aa", for example. And it will not draw anything at all if it is set to false.
Shadow: is boolean (true/false). Turning this on will draw a drop shadow of color ShadowColor behind the text. The shadow will be ShadowX pixels right and ShadowY pixels down (negative values will work). Both ShadowX and ShadowY default to 1.
Bold: is a boolean (true/false). Setting it to true will make your font bold.
Click Delay: is the number of milliseconds that represents a double-click.
SingleClick: is a boolean (true/false). Setting it to true makes a single-click execute the command associated with the icon. This also means that it is impossible to drag the icon either.
IconSnap: is a boolean (true/false). Setting it to true makes the icons snap to a grid defined by "SnapWidth" and "SnapHeight". The icon will snap to the middle of the rectangle defined by "SnapWidth" and "SnapHeight". So if "SnapWidth" = "SnapHeight" = 100, the center of the icon will by in multiples of 50: (50,50), or (50, 100), or (100, 100), or (250, 350)... You will want to make "SnapWidth" and "SnapHeight" greater than or equal to the size of the picture.
SnapWidth: is a positive integer, see description in "IconSnap".
SnapHeight: is a positive integer, see description in "IconSnap".
SnapOrigin: defines where the snap grip starts from. Valid values are: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight.
SnapShadow: is a boolean (true/false) value. Setting it to true will make a shadow of the icon appear where the icon will snap if the drag was released there. Turn "IconSnap" on and check this out, pretty cool effect.
SnapShadowTrans: is a integer between 0 (opaque) and 255 (invisible). It represents the transparency of the SnapShadow
CaptionPlacement: new defines the position for Image Caption. Valid values are: Top, Bottom, Left, Right.
CaptionOnHover: is a boolean (true/false) value. Setting it to true will make the icon's caption only appear when the mouse hovers over an icon. False is the default behavior.
FillStyle: new defines the icon appearance when the user gives click him. The icon back to normal form when the user release the mouse button. Valid values are: FillInvert, FillHLine, FillVLine and None. None is the default behavior.
ArturTT:Asi on hetkel poolik ja kirjavigu täis.Aga küll ma selle ka valmis lähiajal saan.